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This summer, Camp Happy Times, like the majority of camps around the country, will become a place that engages kids cerebrally and looks to online opportunities for growth and friendship building. The decision to move to a total online camping experience was shaped by the new operating parameters of state and local governments and camp association guidelines. Family opinion also weighed in, as a recent poll conducted by Slate Magazine found that more than 80% of parents said they would not feel comfortable sending their kids to sleep away camp this summer. It became obvious, though nonetheless heartbreaking, that it would be impossible to operate camp in the traditional way while practicing safe social distancing.
From the very first campfire in 1983, The Valerie Fund's one-week overnight summer camp experience has always been a time to let all the pain and fear go and just enjoy being young. Camp Happy Times is a place where illness is a common bond but it doesn't always need to be part of the conversation because campers and many counselors can honestly say to each other, "I know how you feel." It is a place that despite medical challenges, kids are doing all the things that their healthy peers are doing. In the words of Millie Finkel, Camp Director Emeritus, "I can't cure them but I can give the campers one hell of a week."
Children living with blood disorders and those who have or have had cancer have already suffered in so many ways and the daunting challenge this year is to create a virtual experience that does not disappoint and to present worthwhile online options that give parents a break. And while there is no replacement for playing outside, the goal is to create a virtual experience that helps campers stay connected, mindful of the social isolation many are currently grappling with.
This camp season is also an opportunity for children living with blood disorders to join in the fun. Hematology patients have a unique set of medical needs and care that have precluded them from physically attending Camp Happy Times located in Tyler Hill, PA. Sickle-Cell patients, for example, cannot tolerate the cold water of a freshwater lake or unheated swimming pool, which can initiate a crisis, pain and other complications. Same goes for the bus rides and air-conditioned buildings, anywhere, where temperature cannot be controlled. Though Camp Happy Times has never been able to include kids with blood disorders in their program, each summer, The Valerie Fund has paid for transportation for our hematology patients to the Hole in the Woods Camps in New York and Connecticut.
Also, because of the virtual platform, siblings of participating campers will be able to be part of all the amazing activities Camp Happy Times has in store for the week. This year's inclusion is unique to the circumstances but will set the wheels in motion for work on future projects to include these new patient types and all siblings. Camp Director Matt Ruttler shares, "My goal for years from now would be to have weekends/week-long camps for these groups as well as the week-long cancer camp."
The Camp Happy Times staff is known for the meticulous care they put into planning daily programing. The overall camp theme is highly anticipated each year. From Disney to the Olympics, an Around the World Tour to the Magic of Harry Potter, campers are never disappointed. This year, the Camp Happy Times' theme is "Always Connected" and will take place from Monday, August 17th through Friday, August 21st.
All live and pre-recorded sessions will be run by current Camp Happy Times staff and counselors using online digital platforms like Zoom. Children will receive in advance of the program, CHT Camper Kits, hands on materials that will interface with virtual sessions. The "Staying Connected" schedule will include familiar camp activities beginning with meeting up at the morning flagpole, arts & crafts, cooking classes, and the most popular of camp experiences - campfires, the dance and talent show. The virtual platform will also feature yoga, makeup tutorials, video making, fashion shows, scavenger hunts and more!
"Our virtual program," says Camp Director Ruttler, "will strive to bring all of the things we hold so dear in a new and exciting fashion to all our camp family!" The war on the Coronavirus will not also extinguish the cherished memories kids come away with after a week at Camp Happy Times. Ruttler says, "Camp is not a place. It is the people, the feelings, the love and the family that CHT provides. That is Camp!"
For more information or to make a donation, please visit or contact Camp Happy Times Director Matt Ruttler at