Signature Events
2023 March Madness Bracket Pool- Join Before March 16th!
Community Event
Thursday Mar 16, 12:00 pm

2023 March Madness Bracket Pool
Hosted by The Valerie Fund Junior Board
Join & make donations before Thursday, March 16th 12pm ET to be eligible to win!
In an effort to raise money for our TVF Kids, The Valerie Fund Junior Board has organized a March Madness bracket pool!
50% of the proceeds will go to The Valerie Fund and 50% will go to the winners of the pool.
If you would like to participate, the buy-in will be $30 per bracket, and you are allowed to submit as many brackets as you would like.
Make your payment, then make your picks!

First Step
Go to The Valerie Fund donation page to pay for your bracket. Enter the amount you would like to contribute ($30 per bracket) in "Other $".
Click "Yes" for '"Would you like to make this gift in honor or memory of someone?" And enter "March Madness" for Full Name of Honoree. Then complete your transaction!

Second Step
Click the link to go to the March Madness Pool Page:
link to pool page
Group Name: Valerie Fund 2023
Password: Valerie23
The link should automatically take you to create a bracket for The Valerie Fund. If not, you will be either prompted to “Join Group” or “Create Bracket Now.” Click on one of those two buttons and then enter the password for the Valerie Fund 2023 group to enter our pool!
*An ESPN account will be required to submit a bracket, so you may be prompted to create one if you do not have already, when you follow the link above*
The scoring of the brackets will be ESPN's standard approach whereby later rounds of the tournament are worth more points.
Payouts will be structured as follows:
The Valerie Fund: 50%
1st Place: 35%
2nd Place: 10%
3rd Place: 5%
Lastly, please note that brackets must be submitted and final by 12 pm ET on Thursday, March 16th when the Round of 64 begins. Make sure the name of your bracket or ESPN account is close to your actual name so that The Valerie Fund Junior Board can tell who the winners are!
If you have any questions about the March Madness pool, please feel free to email
Thank you in advance for supporting The Valerie Fund!
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