Jules’s Bar Mitzvah Project

I chose The Valerie Fund for my bar mitzvah project because they are a well-organized foundation that helps kids with cancer. They donate money towards kids going through treatment and sending pediatric cancer patients to a special summer camp for the time of their lives. It isn't so focused on making the world better for people, but on making people better so they can live full, fun lives.


$108 ea. $108 Donation

$108 Donation

x $108

$180 ea. $180 Donation

$180 Donation

x $180

$270 ea. $270 Donation

$270 Donation

x $270

$360 ea. $360 Donation

$360 Donation

x $360

$450 ea. $450 Donation

$450 Donation

x $450

Other Donation Amount

  • Make a donation of your own amount!

If you would like to pay by check or if you have a question call 973-761-0422 or email

What Our Kids Say About Us

“One of my best Valerie Fund memories is doing the Beads of Hope with Ann. It gave me something to look forward to for each TVF visit and helped distract me from the not-so-fun parts of treatment.”

- Jillian

Meet the Kids You're Helping

The Valerie Fund
2101 Millburn Avenue
Maplewood, NJ 07040

973-761-0422 :: Phone
973-761-6792 :: Fax

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