For 25 years, Morgan Stanley has supported the Valerie Fund, an organization that provides children with cancer and blood disorders throughout NYC, NJ and Philadelphia with a combination of medical care, counseling, and other services. Since 1993, Morgan Stanley, through a 6-week, entirely analyst run campaign, has raised an aggregate of $3.1MM to support the Valerie Fund’s Camp Happy Times, a truly unique camp run by the Valerie Fund in which patients, both current and former, come together every year to share each other’s company and support, free of charge, including on-site medical care. The donations from Morgan Stanley truly make this experience possible for the 150 campers who attend every year, as your donations fund approximately 2/3 of the expenses associated with the camp. On behalf of the Valerie Fund, the analysts of Morgan Stanley’s Investment Banking, Global Capital Markets, Bank Resource Management, and Strategic Client Management, and all of the patients whose lives have been forever changed by the Valerie Fund, thank you in advance for your support and continued generosity.